School Level Parent and Family Engagement
Paxtang Elementary School
2024 – 2025
- Conduct outreach to all parents and family members.
- Include parents and family members in the development of the district’s overall Title I Plan and process for school review and improvement.[2]
- Include parents and family members in the development of the Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy. Following adoption of the policy by the Board, the policy shall be:
- Incorporated into the district’s Title I Plan.[2]
- Posted to the district’s publicly accessible website.[3]
- Evaluated annually with parent and family involvement.
- Provide opportunities and conduct meaningful collaborations with parents and family members in the planning and implementation of Title I programs, activities and procedures.
The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that the district and its schools with Title I programs provide opportunities for the informed participation of parents and family members by providing resources, information and school reports in an understandable and uniform format or, upon request, in another format. Such efforts shall include:
- Providing communications in clear and simple language.
- Posting information for parents and family members on the district’s website.
- Including a telephone number for parents and family members to call with questions.
- Provide language access services to families with limited English proficiency through on-site or telephonic translation and interpretation services, as appropriate.[4]
The building principal and/or Title I staff shall notify parents and family members of the existence of the Title I programs and provide:
- A set of goals and expectations to be addressed.
- A description of the services to be provided.
- A copy of this policy and the School-Parent and Family Compact.[1]
Support their child’s learning.
Participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their child and positive use of extracurricular time.
The schools shall involve parents and family members in an organized, ongoing and timely way, in the planning, review and improvement of Title I programs, the Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy and the joint development of the Title I Plan.[1][2]
At these meetings, parents and family members shall be provided:[1]
- Timely information about programs provided under Title I.
- Description and explanation of the curriculum in use, the forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress, and the achievement levels of the academic standards.
- Opportunities to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children.
To ensure the continuous engagement of parents and family members in the joint development of the Title I Plan and with the school support and improvement process, the district shall:
- Establish meaningful, ongoing two-way communication between the district, staff and parents and family members.
- Communicate with parents and family members about the plan and seek their input and participation.
- Train personnel on how to collaborate effectively with parents and family members with diverse backgrounds that may impede their participation, such as limited literacy or language difficulty.
- Analyze and share the results of the Title I Parent/Family Survey.
- Distribute and discuss the School-Parent and Family Compact.
- Host various parent and family nights at each school building with a Title I program following the guidelines set forth in the Health and Safety Plans at both the district and school levels.
- Actively recruit parents and family members to participate in school review and improvement planning.
- Assign district representatives to be available to work collaboratively with parents and family members, and to conduct school-level trainings to promote understanding of school data, comprehensive plans and the budgeting process.
- Invite participation of parents and family members at the regular comprehensive planning committee meetings, Title I budget meetings and school improvement plan meetings to obtain input and propose school improvement initiatives.
- Describe the school’s responsibility to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment, enabling students in Title I programs to meet the academic standards.
- Describe the ways in which parents and family members will be responsible for supporting their child’s learning; volunteering in the classroom when possible; and participating, as appropriate, in decisions related to their child’s education and positive use of extracurricular time.[5]
- Address the importance of ongoing two-way, meaningful communication between parents/family members and teachers through, at a minimum, annual parent-teacher conferences at the elementary level, frequent reports to parents and family members on their child’s progress, reasonable access to staff, opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class when possible, and observation of classroom activities.[5]